Students have been working on being good Chieftain HEROs. Please talk to your students about what that means and help encourage positive behavior.
Thank you for such a great start to the 2024-2025 school year!
Reminder to our bus rider families: Please make sure that students are at their bus stop, ready to hop on the bus, 5-10 minutes early each day. This helps our drivers to try and keep routes on schedule!!! Thank you!
It is very important that students are in school everyday, but the school realizes that there are some reasons for excused absences. Please make sure to call the school (269-782-4468) and let us know when your student is going to be absent.
*If your student(s) is running late, please bring them to the office and sign them in.
*If you need to pick up your child early for any reason please call the office 269-782-4468.
Message from the District Nurse
Medication at school- No prescribed or over the counter medication is allowed at school without the written authorization form completed by the physician.
This includes but is not limited to prescribed medication, inhalers, epi-pens, cough drops, Tylenol, Motrin, and etc. The medication form can be found on our district website under the School Nurse section. Each building has these forms as well. If your child needs or uses any type of medication at school this form must be completed by the physician and submitted to the school with the medication. Students found with medication on him/her are subject to disciplinary actions. These medication forms must be completed for each school year.