Please make sure that all students are in attendance to support our district!
Patrick Hamilton Elementary
Please make sure that all students are in attendance to support our district!
END OF DAY CALLS and PICK UPS: You must call the office by 3:00 p.m. to make arrangements for your student to go home a different way. This is a policy that we have had in place and unfortunately have to enforce. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Bus Rider Families: Please ensure you arrive at the bus stop for pickup and are prepared to board the bus 5 to 10 minutes early each day. This will help the drivers maintain their schedule and adhere to the designated routes. Thank you!
Outside Lunches: The district does not allow outside lunches to be delivered or brought into school for the students.
Sick Children: Please call the office and report that you are keeping your child home due to illness. The Cass Van Buren Health Department requires our school to report illnesses every week.
Kindergarten Meet & Greet: Any families with children entering Kindergarten this fall, please plan on visiting us on Thursday, February 20th for a Meet & Greet. This will be an opportunity for you and your incoming kindergartner to tour the school, meet our Kindergarten teachers and start the registration process. Students must be 5 years old by September 1st, 2025 to be eligible to start school. Please feel free to call the school office with any questions!
Patrick Hamilton Elementary School is excited to announce that the Van Buren Cass District Health Department will be offering a great opportunity for our students again this year.
On Monday, February 10th, 2025 the health department dental hygienist will be at Patrick Hamilton offering a program to help stop tooth decay. The SEAL Michigan Dental Sealant Program will be coming to place dental sealants on permanent six-year and twelve-year molars at NO COST!!! If your child has dental insurance it will be billed and any amount not covered by your insurance will be covered by this program. Please check with your dental insurance as many plans do not cover the cost of dental sealants. If your child does not have dental insurance there will be NO cost.
Your child will receive informational paperwork along with the necessary paperwork to be completed. If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity please complete the necessary form and send it back to the school as soon as possible and we will take care of everything from there.
VISION SCREENING: The Vision and Hearing Technician from the Van Buren Cass District Health Department will be coming to our building in the next couple of weeks. The technician will be providing our 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students with the required vision screening. This vision screening is done annually for these grades as part of our state requirements. We know that children who can see well have a better school experience so please ensure that your child wears his or her glasses to school every day if they have been prescribed them. This is just a screening and does not replace the importance of having your child’s vision examined by a provider. Please contact the main office or myself for any questions or concerns or if you wish to opt your child out of this screening.
Printable Dental SEALant Paperwork
Suzanne Dorman, RN, MSN
269-782-4420 ext. 1218
*Please feel free to contact her if you have any questions.
Please click on the link to view Oral Screening Information:
February 10 - Dental Screening 1st - 5th grades
February 11 - Dental Screening Kindergartners
February 12 - Spring Count Day
February 13 - PTO Meeting 5:30 PM
February 14 - Popcorn Day
February 17 - Board of Education Meeting @PAC, 6PM
February 19 - County Spelling Bee
February 20 - Kindergarten Meet and Greet
February 21 - Spring Fundraiser Begins
Mrs. McIntyre's class worked on doodle drawings of snowmen this week in their classroom. They were inspired by the book Snowman at Night by Carolyn Buehner.
Mrs. Tallis-Crowners 4th grade class had Mrs. Latourette as a special guest in their classroom this week.
Mrs. Latourette is a retired school teacher who enjoys giving back to the community with great art projects! These Valentine's Day cards are being taken to local veterans as a way of thanking them for their service and wishing them a Happy Valentine's Day!
Just a few reminders as a we are coming back from Winter Break in regards to the daily schedule.
School opens at 8:39 for Breakfast
Bell to start the day is at 8:53
Tardy is 9:01 - 9:19
Morning Absent is 9:19 - 11:50
Afternoon Absence is 11:50 - 3:40
If your child comes into the building after 9:01, they are considered tardy.
If they come in after 9:19 they are considered absent. In order to have it excused, you must either sign your student(s) in or call the office.
If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Ruff.
Given the increase in illnesses, this serves as a friendly reminder about the importance of proper handwashing.
Transportation Website:
Transportation App: My Ride K-12
Apple App:
Microsoft App:
Please click the link to give any staff member a shout out!
Nicole Conlin
Jessica Ruff
Drop Off Time: 8:39 a.m.
Breakfast: 8:39 a.m.-8:51 a.m.
Building Times: 8:51 a.m.-3:47 p.m.
Half Day Dismissal: 12:01 p.m.
Phone: 269-782-4450
Fax: 269-782-4469
Patrick Hamilton Website:
Patrick Hamilton Facebook:
Lunch Menu:
District Website:
District Facebook: