Please continue looking for this newsletter each week as we will update it with important information. We will not be sending home physical copies of the newsletter so please look for it on our website, via the text or email link sent. We also will have it on Kincheloe's Facebook page as well.
Please contact the school to update any contact information so you can stay informed.
Good attendance is a great habit!
Bus Rider Families:
Please ensure you arrive at the bus stop for pickup and are prepared to board the bus 5 to 10 minutes early each day. This will help the drivers maintain their schedule and adhere to the designated routes. Thank you!
Attendance Policy:
Good attendance is vital to student success. Studies show that students who are frequently absent have lower grades, lower self-esteem, and increased behavior problems. We want to help all of our students to be successful and have set up guidelines for attendance. Students are expected to be in school every day possible, but we realize that there are some reasons for absences. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to call by 9:30 am on the day of an absence when a student is absent letting us know the reason for the absence, or you will receive a call. If no call was received, the student must bring a written note from his parent or guardian stating the reason for the absence. Automatic calls will begin at 10:30. If you receive a call in error, please call the school (269-782-4464) in order for us to figure out the situation.
Please remember to keep us updated with all phone number changes so you can stay informed.
VISION SCREENING: The Vision and Hearing Technician from the Van Buren Cass District Health Department will be coming to our building in the next couple of weeks. The technician will be providing our 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students with the required vision screening. This vision screening is done annually for these grades as part of our state requirements. We know that children who can see well have a better school experience so please ensure that your child wears his or her glasses to school every day if they have been prescribed them. This is just a screening and does not replace the importance of having your child’s vision examined by a provider. Please contact the main office or myself for any questions or concerns or if you wish to opt your child out of this screening.
*If you wish to opt your child out of this screening please reach out to Suzanne Dorman.