Seasons Greeting: The entire Justus Gage Staff wishes you a safe and wonderful Christmas Break. Please see below and enjoy our virtual Christmas card. Justus Gage Staff would like to thank Amber Todd for producing the card.
Justus Gage Elementary
Seasons Greeting: The entire Justus Gage Staff wishes you a safe and wonderful Christmas Break. Please see below and enjoy our virtual Christmas card. Justus Gage Staff would like to thank Amber Todd for producing the card.
END OF DAY CALLS and PICK UPS: You must call the office by 3:00 p.m. to make arrangements for your student to go home a different way. This is a policy that we have had in place and unfortunately have to enforce. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
OUTSIDE RECESS: Please dress your student appropriately for the cold weather. It is our district policy to go outside for recess unless the temp is below 10 degrees w/windchill.
BUS RIDER PARENTS: Please have your student(s) at the bus stop 5-10 minutes early so that our bus drivers can stay on schedule in order for our schools to start on time. Thank you for helping.
FOOD DRIVE: Thank you so much to everyone that participated in our annual food drive. Your generosity doesn't go unnoticed and every little bitty helps!
LITTLE CHIEFTAINS BASKETBALL: Skills assessment for all registered girls this Saturday, December 21. The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate player skills and create evenly matched teams for the season. We understand that not everyone may be able to attend, and that’s okay—any players unable to participate will still be placed on a team.
Skills Assessment Schedule (at the Middle School Gym):
1st & 2nd Graders: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
3rd & 4th Graders: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
5th & 6th Graders: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
December 23-January 3 - Christmas Break
January 6 - Classes Resume
January 8 - PTO Mtg at 6:00
January 10- 1/2 Day
January 17 - District Spelling Bee @ PAC
January 20 - No School MLK Day and Regular Board Meeting
January 24 - Popcorn Day and Vision Screening Day for Grades 1, 3 & 5
January 31 - HERO Store
DRESS FOR Winter WEATHER: In case you haven't observed, Winter is here. Winter hats, gloves, boots and coats are needed. It would also be ideal if you send your little ones with snow pants.
OUTSIDE LUNCHES: The district does not allow outside lunches to be delivered to school for students.
SICK CHILD: Please call the office and report that you are keeping your child home due to illness. The Cass Van Buren Health Department requires schools to report illnesses every week.
Transportation Website:
Transportation App: My Ride K-12
Apple App:
Microsoft App:
Please click the link to give any staff member a shout out!
Bryan Henry
Phone: (269) 782-4460
Fax: (269) 782-4461
Carol Primley
Phone: (269) 782-4460
Fax: (269) 782-4461
Drop Off Time: 8:27 a.m.
Breakfast: 8:27 a.m.-8:41 a.m.
Building Times: 8:41 a.m.-3:37 p.m.
Half Day Dismissal: 11:56 a.m.
Phone: 269-782-4460
Justus Gage Website:
Justus Gage Facebook:
Lunch Menu:
District Website:
District Facebook: