Parent Teacher Conferences: Conference Slip appointments went home today on yellow paper. We always make it our goal of having 100% attendance during fall conferences. Please contact the office at 782-4460 if you have a time conflict.
1/2 Day Reminder: Half Day Dismissal time is 11:56. Our first 1/2 day of the year is Thursday, October 24.
HERO Celebration #1: All students who have not received a major discipline(SWIS) referral during the date range of September 23rd - October 23rd will be able to participate in their GL Ice Cream Sundae Social. They will receive their ice cream sundae on Friday, October 25th. Starting Monday, everyone will have a clean slate and have an opportunity to be able to participate in the second marking period Hero Celebration.
Fall PTO Fundraiser Results/Winners: Thank you to everyone who participated in our Fall PTO Fundraiser. Miss Quist's second grade classroom and Mrs. Hannapel's fifth grade classroom were the two classes who raised the most money. Individual prize winners will be recognized and will have their picture in next week's newsletter. Congrats!!!
BOOK FAIR: Our book fair will open on Monday, October 21. Students will be able to shop Monday through Thursday during school hours. Parents will be able to shop during conference times which are Wednesday, October 23 from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. and then again on Thursday, October 24 from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. See you at conferences!!
Popcorn Volunteers: Thank you so much to our three volunteers who popped delicious popcorn today. Julie Miller, Faye Maggert and Lory Schoff. The Justus Gage staff and PTO truly appreciate you!!!
END OF DAY CALLS and PICK UPS: You must call the office by 3:00 p.m. to make arrangements for your student to go home a different way. This is a policy that we have had in place and unfortunately have to enforce. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.