Report Cards: Today was the end of the first semester for elementary students. Second marking period/first semester report cards and IREADY family reports will be sent home on Friday, January 17, 2025.
Winter NWEA Testing: Winter NWEA testing will begin next week. Teaching and support staff use this mid-year data to determine whole group and small group instruction while also monitoring progress towards end of year achievement goals.
Winter Carnival Date Change: Our PTO Winter Carnival will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. More details coming soon.
END OF DAY CALLS and PICK UPS: You must call the office by 3:00 p.m. to make arrangements for your student to go home a different way. This is a policy that we have had in place and unfortunately have to enforce. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
OUTSIDE RECESS: Please dress your student appropriately for the cold weather. It is our district policy to go outside for recess unless the temp is below 10 degrees w/windchill.
BUS RIDER PARENTS: Please have your student(s) at the bus stop 5-10 minutes early so that our bus drivers can stay on schedule in order for our schools to start on time. Thank you for helping.