Please plan ahead for these important testing dates required by the state:
4/9 SAT State Testing (Grade 11 & some Grade 12)
4/9 PSAT (Grade 10)
4/10 WorkKeys (Grade 11 & some Grade 12)
4/10 PSAT (Grade 9)
4/15 M-STEP (Grade 11 & some Grade 12)
Dowagiac Union High School
Please plan ahead for these important testing dates required by the state:
4/9 SAT State Testing (Grade 11 & some Grade 12)
4/9 PSAT (Grade 10)
4/10 WorkKeys (Grade 11 & some Grade 12)
4/10 PSAT (Grade 9)
4/15 M-STEP (Grade 11 & some Grade 12)
2/15 Band Spaghetti Dinner, 4-8PM @Dms
2/17 Board of Education Meeting, 6PM @PAC
2/21 NHS Blood Drive (students and staff only)
2/25 Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:30-7:30PM
2/26 Half Day of School, Dismissal @10:36AM
2/26 Parent Teacher Conferences, 12-3PM
Students created delicious pound cakes in Culinary class.
Two way tie for 1st hour Chili Cook Off, The Chili Chicks!
Afternoon Chili Cook Off Winners, The Chili Hustlers!
Jaden Gant, Guadalupe Brita, Avery Amundsen, and Mya Vazquez
NTHS President, Avery Amundsen giving a speech on Induction Day!
1st year inductee
Tori Santana won a gift certificate from Mrs. Melton for count day attendance!
Lucky raffle winners who were at school all day on Count Day!
Participants who register by February 16th will receive a t-shirt. The youth camp is for students K-8.
This event is for staff and students.
Congratulations to Dowagiac Chieftain Wrestlers for a school record 8 straight Division 3 District Championships!
Please click the link to give any staff member a shout out!
Kelly Millin
Assistant Principal:
Bryan Sperling
Athletic Director:
Brent Nate
Director of Student Services & Homeless Liasion:
Sara Park
Building Secretary and Athletics Assistant:
Tonya Brooks
Assistant Principal Secretary:
Megan Wheeler
Student Services Secretary:
Lissa Carter
School Counselor:
Kim Anderson
Student Advocate:
Susan Baldwin
Student Advocate:
Danum Hunt
School Nurse:
Suzanne Dorman
Phone: 269-782-4420
Drop Off Time: 7:05 a.m.
Breakfast: 7:20 a.m.-7:30 a.m.
Building Times: 7:25 a.m.-2:15 p.m.
Half Day Dismissal: 10:36 a.m.
DUHS Website:
DUHS Facebook:
Lunch Menu:
District Website:
District Facebook: